Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Don't Know

I Don’t Know

Clarity was something that did not used to elude me. I knew what I wanted; I knew how to obtain it. Even the world seemed to make more sense. Getting a job, an internship, an opportunity could be virtually guaranteed by satisfying the specified requirements. I knew how to operate in this controlled system. Today, I live life with great uncertainties. Caught between indecision and an increasingly tenuous social, geopolitical and economic environment, I am nearly paralyzed. How do I proceed when I don’t know what I want? Moreover, even if I could identify a particular pursuit, achieving it would be difficult if at all possible.

In trying to focus long enough to compose this blog entry, I am compelled to try to approach my dilemma with logic. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs seems like a decent means of evaluating my life’s deficiencies and drives. Upon assessment, I recognize that I have satisfied my physiological, esteem, and self-actualization needs. Somehow, I have satisfied higher needs without satisfying some of my more basic needs. When it comes to the needs of safety and belonging, I am deficient.

In order to satisfy these unattained needs, I need to determine the appropriate geographic location and field to pursue without compromising my other needs. So how do I determine what motivates me? How do I determine what will enable me to feel secure while allowing me to feel enlightening, accomplished and benevolent? How do I not feel overwhelmed and lost by the realization that a month before turning 25 I am completely unsure about everything? The only thing of which I am sure, is that I want to be a part of something worthwhile; to contribute to something that’s legacy is replete with contributions made and results realized. I want to make a difference and contribute to the positive transformation of our world.

But how do I achieve this? As of now, I just don’t know.


  1. What about Judaism? Have you found any answers there that could help you discover who you are inside, where you belong, how to attach yourself to something eternal, to contribute to a mission that is as old as the creation of the world?

  2. I recently wrote a post about choosing a career and arrived at a very similar conclusion: .
